What does the Tihar festival feel like for someone without a sister? ➤ Nep123.com

What does the Tihar festival feel like for someone without a sister?

As I don’t have any sisters in my immediate family, I haven’t felt the same charm in the festival of lights since childhood. I enjoy late nights, roaming, Deusi-Bhailos, and dancing. Although I have cousin sisters, I put tika on them, but I never find any real bonding or attachment; it could be my fault or theirs.

We barely catch up, maybe twice a year. Messaging and staying in touch on social media are distant alternatives. Later, I realized a significant difference in their behavior toward me compared to their own brothers. So, I decided to stop celebrating with them. Every Tihar, I choose to spend my time outside my home. It’s not worth maintaining a relationship that only carries formalities without any genuine bonding or emotions.

If you have a similar experience, feel free to share it here.

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