Stable Gold Prices Persist on May 5, Silver Dips Slightly ➤

Stable Gold Prices Persist on May 5, Silver Dips Slightly

Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association Reports Consistency in Precious Metal Rates

On May 5, the price of gold has maintained its stability, with minimal fluctuations reported in the market. According to the latest data released by the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association, both fine gold and tejabi gold are holding steady at Rs 135,400 and Rs 134,750 per tola, respectively.

This marks a continuation of the same price level observed on May 3, indicating a period of consistency in the gold market. Investors and consumers alike can find assurance in the steadfastness of gold prices during this timeframe.

In contrast, the price of silver has experienced a marginal decline, with a decrease of Rs 5 bringing the current rate to Rs 1640 per tola. While this represents a slight dip in silver prices, it remains within a relatively stable range compared to previous fluctuations.

The persistence of stable gold prices offers stability and predictability for market participants, providing a favorable environment for transactions and investment decisions. As economic conditions evolve, monitoring these price trends remains essential for stakeholders in the precious metals market.