
Can i buy a kindle in Nepal??

Can i buy a kindle in Nepal??

Anyone knows where can i find it ??? View on r/Nepal by Successful_Target605

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How much does fertility test for men cost in Nepal?

How much does fertility test for men cost in Nepal?

What are the good places that do fertility test? View on r/Nepal by Agitated-Werewolf-73

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Online gambling in Nepal

Online gambling in Nepal

I saw a video from techpana that 6 people involved in online gambling were arrested. How did they actually got caught? I also just recently got an offer for same, based in US. I know its illegal but my friend said nothing will happen. So just wanted to know how did they got caught. View […]

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r/Rajabadi A community for all pro-monarchist people of Nepal

r/Rajabadi A community for all pro-monarchist people of Nepal

Pro-monarchist of Nepal please join r/Rajabadi, where we shall discuss on how we can restore monarchy in Nepal. View on r/Nepal by Perfect_Strain1135

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Possibility of Remaining Unmarried in the Context of Nepal

Possibility of Remaining Unmarried in the Context of Nepal

Everyone has their own choices, and for me, I’ve never desired to get married. I prefer not to shoulder additional responsibilities and accountabilities beyond caring for my parents. Contemplating life after marriage, the thought of the responsibilities and duties associated with children and a spouse overwhelms me. Therefore, I entertain the idea of staying unmarried […]

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How will Nepal be in 25 years?

How will Nepal be in 25 years?

Over the past decades, immigration to developed countries like the USA and Australia from Nepal has surged, reaching its peak at this point. During this time, the country’s corruption and government instability have fluctuated, generally increasing. In villages and rural areas, there is a noticeable scarcity of youths, and this trend is gradually spreading. Furthermore, […]

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Where can i test for Balanitis in nepal?

Where can i test for Balanitis in nepal?

Price thaha cha vane list garidinu hola. View on r/Nepal by InternetDenise12

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Nepal Super League… goal celebration after Kathmandu RayZers FC score equalizer against Chitwan FC

Nepal Super League… goal celebration after Kathmandu RayZers FC score equalizer against Chitwan FC View on r/Nepal by pradsumesh

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Which bank in Nepal offer best prepaid dollar card with justifiable fee??

Which bank in Nepal offer best prepaid dollar card with justifiable fee??

most bank charges everytime we topup which is outrageously expensive if you are frequent user and as someone who is constantly recharging my card i want to know options that are super cheap and get the job done, i’ve looked at some old threads but most of them are incorrect when doublechecking with the bank […]

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3 month around Nepal

3 month around Nepal

Am planning 3 month of travelling around Nepal, I do want to see beauty of Nepal, I want be around rural parts of Nepal as I want to get away from city lifestyle, I want go to from east to west and see hidden gem, non touristy locations please give me some recommendation. My budget […]

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