It’s really amazing and hilarious that some Nepali people call themselves self independent and selfmade when their parents paid all there fees from school, college to abroad process (lakhs and lakhs rupees) or because of their parents they got id card (hk, UK and European countries) .😂😂 You can call yourself independent but self made. Really?🤣🤣
I think lots of people misunderstood or I didn’t explain clearly 😕 but what I mean is it’s our parents responsibility ( they think that way) to feed us,pay all our fees of school to college, other expanse and even abroad fee’s what I am trying to say is you are where you are because of you’re parents or relatives help you in some way and yes if you earned money and made something in life, you’re independent person. Iam not saying you’re not but some of my friends and people I know are always boosting about they’re salf made/ self independent in social media when in reality their parents or their relatives help them to get where they are in some ways ( and I know how they got where they are) so say “I am independent person” but why you’re saying” i have come so far myself, noone helped me, I did everything” really
View on r/Nepal by name_not_important03
By that logic nobody is really self made then, someone has to conceive them, nurture them in their womb, raise them. Even if their parents pay the fee, abroad process, etc they are the ones who put in the effort. Being self independent just means that you do not depend on anybody at that given time doesn’t really consider the past and by that sense I guess yes they are self independent.
Are you acoustic? It’s ur parents job to pay for ur school, college and personal needs just cuz ur parents couldn’t do so does not mean everyone’s can not.
Idk why you even care if people call themself independent or not, Only a very handful of people do no work, takes no responsibility while they are studying aboard.
If we go by your definition no one in the world is self made or independent, Its not like average 18 year old kid has enough money for fees of international college. Most of the students do become self reliant on everything, and even pay portion of their fees after just few months of arrival, Thats what being independent is in my book.
Some people call them self made when in reality it was their parents who fucked and made them. It’s hilarious.
So, infant should join workforce and start earning money from day one to be self made?
Jealous people on Reddit
Bro why so jealous
Timro bau sanga paisa chaina kya ho
estai ho chak ma budhi bhayesi. Ki ta orphan hunu paryo ani garnu paryo to be called as self made, tara parents le sab garesi ghanta ko self made. Independent ni bhanna suhaudaina. Parents na bhaideko bhaye k ka independent.
No one is self made
Teso bhaye ta koi ni self made haina ni. Your dad pumped your life inside your mothers womb.
maybe they call themselves “self made” because they now dont need their parents help anymore? like they started a business and now they can “repay” their parents maybe not directly giving them money directly but by elevating their lifestyle or status. Bruh by your logic one much just be born out of thin air and somehow get educated and get a job, food, clothing, shelter by default. Life is not a video game
Why so salty????
BP high hola bro
dherai janne vayo
I mean , I lived in my mothers belly for 9 months , I didnt jump of the sky, does that mean I will never be independent .![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)
Bruh you asked in the place where majority are in teenage phase and doesn’t understand the actual meaning of independent.
Financially independent is to be the right word to choose for these type of rant off.