Is plastic surgery worth it?

Is plastic surgery worth it?

I am considering plastic surgery for my unconventional face, this face has made me suffer so much, people tease/bully me, girls ignore me and the list goes on. I’m planning to soon have otoplasty for my protruded ears, rhinoplasty for my big nose and jaw surgery for my weak jaw. Is it worth it?

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36 thoughts on “Is plastic surgery worth it?

  1. Bro your only 16, these bullies you won’t see again after school, ever. You need to hit the gym, do skincare routin starting today, years from now itll pay off. Not worth surgery.

  2. first you need to work on your self image and accept yourself the way you are. After that, you can definitely do plastic surgery to improvise on the way you look the way you see as “more attractive”. As long as it isnt too much that you end up looking like a doll. Excessive plastic surgery makes you look worse imo

  3. Dont. The technology is not there yet.

    Wait another 10 years and do it.

    There are millionaire Hollywood celebrities looking like aliens. And actresses needing multiple surgery after initial surgery to fix a mistake.

  4. Its worth it if you find good plastic surgeon. I have friend who has to do correct her rhinoplasty 2 times as surgeon didn’t get it right on first time and she have to find other surgeon to fix it.

    No idea about other procedures, but don’t make your jaw like rajkumar rao now. Also try facial lymphatic drainage massage for a month and see the changes you like without surgery.

  5. It’s okay to spend money for yourself. I believe rewarding yourself with wishes that u want is not a bad thing. If u believe plastic surgery will give you confident, then go for it. I did mine with hair transplant.

  6. Brotha go hit the gym and workout like crazy. Get jacked and improve yourself. You have to love yourself first if not the surgery not gona do anything except put a mask on for your insecurities. Also if ur buff and the get surgery… will be very handsome so love yourself first

    Also do a lot of research before surgery. Don’t go in blind

  7. Unless your face has some scar or burn marks or some spots, don’t do it.

    If you think your face is the problem, you are simply in the wrong circle.

    What makes you think people will accept you if you can’t accept yourself?

    Also, it doesn’t always give a good result. Just look at Amy Jackson’s recent change. She looks like the guy from Oppenheimer

  8. god damn, ur all post are these. 16 and ugly. Either u are desperate for someone to tell u, u indeed are ugly or the other way around. Who in the god-forsaken age thinks of these.

    Study. Do ur thing. Forget those. Give urself solid 4-5 years. Study hard. Build confidence. If u have money for plastic surgery, then u will have enough money to improve urself. Buy great clothes, buy cologne, buy what ever that will build ur self confidence.


    Last ma gali. timro anuhar haina dimag nai ugly cha. umer nai keta keti bhayesi kasari bujaunu.

  9. you left eye surgery do that also otherwise your eye will feel discriminated .

    Common bro you want to change everything in your face , I understand if you wanna change one part of your body but if want to change everything the problem is you.

    girls wont talk to you even after surgery have some realistic hope and try to change

  10. do you really believe that plastic surgery will solved the problem you have, if yes then go for it. I’m pretty sure you know that you are not going to change the plan because of reddit. Just be prepared and don’t expect things to be magical.

  11. Why do you care about girls so much ? U sound really shallow. When I was ur age all I cared about was football and anime. Life is not an anime. Being good looking doesn’t mean ur girls are going to yell uwuuu when they see you. U don’t seem to even have interest in a particular girl . All you really want is attention it seems. Hears some tough love for you stop being a brat and live your life. Girls ignore me ra ko has ra ta talai delhne bitikai ufrina. Everyone is busy with their own life no one has time for you. Be good to the people around you and they’ll be good to you. Stop craving attention so much.

  12. If you are below 20, consider putting that plastic surgery money into a fixed account with a high interest rate and wait for the next 10-12 years. You’ll get everything you want right now, and will be okay with what and who you are. The problem isn’t you’re appearance, it’s just your age.

  13. No to Rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty unless you have breathing problems. I have had a broken nose for about 4 years now and I still haven’t fixed it even though I have minor breathing problems and my face looks off because the nose faces slightly to the right. I don’t suggest it because surgery of the nose is just so iffy and easy to mess up which might end up making you look worse than before.

  14. As long as you’re doing it for yourself, go for it. Just don’t do it for your boyfriend/ girlfriend, coz they asked you to do it.

    The world we live is not an ideal world, so bullies are everywhere. If you have an unconventional face, people will look at you and then look away, stare at you, and make fun of you – this will all have negative effect on your mental health. So if you feel that plastic surgery will help you get a normal face, just go for the plastic surgery, my friend.

  15. My face changed so much around the time I hit puberty, then again around grade 12/during the 2 years of on and off lockdown as well. Id say wait till you become an adult. After your face has developed properly go and do as you please. Id say bare it for sometime.

    If you are 16 like the comments here say you are then you can still fix your face you know. Breathing all the time through your nose, mewing, it all helps if you do it religiously especially because youre still developing. If your teeth are crooked go and put on braces as well, that also seems to help people in fixing their jawlines from my obeservation.

  16. I used to be very against plastic surgery but my mindset completely changed after watching a series from the perspective of a girl who was bullied to the point of her contemplating ending her life just because she was ugly. So, once cant really judge unless they have a mile in the shoes of others.

    If you have thought things through(medically and financially) and really think that your life can change for the better then why not? But do look up the long-term implications on your health.

  17. Only do it if you have health complication. You are 16 so you are still in your growth phase. You will slowly start being more masculine and jawline will improve till early-mid 20s. Jawline will make your face well rounded.

    I think you are more insecure than ugly. I have seen conventionally not as attractive guy get along with girls pretty well. It is about how you carry yourself and how confident you are. You are a guy, Looks is not necessarily the most important thing for you.

    Be upfront in front of bullies, be friendly and lighthearted with girls.

    Now, to answer you question. No it is not worth it. If you really want to do it, wait till 20s and be very conservative about it. Only do one because multiple surgeries make you look fake and creepy.

  18. Plastic surgery is good for once or twice if you really need it that badly (are over 22 and still troubled massively by your face). But never get addicted to doing plastic surgery or keep going for plastic surgery over and over again. I assure you that what you think would be you pursuing your “perfect” beauty can end up looking as hideous for everyone else if you get too much plastic surgery. There are absolutely necessary plastic surgeries, and then there are unnecessary and excessive plastic surgeries suggested by surgeons to leech off people and ruin their lives facially and financially.

  19. The problem is not ur face but your belief systems that have formed because of them. You can ‘correct’ the face but life will still be full of problems. And you wont have the ability to ‘correct’ other problems with a surgery. Just give yourself like 5 years to rethink about this.

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