Hey All,
Me and my girlfriend (who is a Nepali) are planning to host our reception here in Bharatpur, Nepal, and were wondering how much it will cost.
Does anyone in the group have any idea how much would it cost
We are expecting around 120 guests and would like to host it in a decent hotel near Bharatpur airport.
Any idea how much would be cost for the hall + food + decoration?
Thanks in advance 🙂
If you don’t invite us, what’s the use?
–> I don’t know anything about wedding hosting in Bharatpur.
Wedding Photographer here.
For Decoration, you better hire different people than giving it to the hotel, will be cheaper
CMT good food,decent priced plates, decent hall(the biggest one)
CGR expensive plates, good food(kinda bland for most people), venue okayish but big
BGR 2 halls, expensive and cheap option, for 120 people go for small, it’s cute, good food, outdoor,
More options,
Royal Century-Outdated place
CG-most expensive among all
Serene- good overall
you can contact hotels around there directly on phone or email and they will give you a quote as per your need
Contact cmt resort