
Nepal's Networth

Nepal’s Networth

What do you believe the minimum net worth of a family should be in order to be classified as wealthy? Net worth encompasses all sources of income and assets. I went to participate in the r/Nepal feedback survey and came across that income question. Instead of finishing the survey, my curiosity got the best of […]

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About changing course in TU ??

About changing course in TU ??

So how can I join another stream like bbs while I am studying BBA as the fees is too expensive and the college is bad, also I am processing for abroad and I want to change the course to keep myself secure in case visa gets rejected.( Also if possible I don’t want to pay […]

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Did anyone of you ever had academic comeback?

Did anyone of you ever had academic comeback?

Okay so I have met this guy a few times who is cousin to my cousin. And my thulo mamu used to tell how bad he was in studies till 9th grade but than started to study very hard and got A+ in SEE and in +2. He even got full scholarship to study on […]

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Castism in Nepal

Castism in Nepal

Trait of developed country is that they make sure that there’s no discrimination even practice it , but in nepal I dont believe it is going well. Civil wars one of the agenda was to make every citizen equal but even today you can commonly point castism and racial discrimination even in city forgot about […]

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Packing for My 10-Day Vipassana Retreat - What Do I Really Need?

Packing for My 10-Day Vipassana Retreat – What Do I Really Need?

I’m attending a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat, and I want to make sure I’ve got everything I need . If you’ve been through this before, what are the must-have items to bring with me. How many pairs of clothes (t-shirts, trousers ) will I need? Do I also need mediation shawl? Are torchlight/umbrella really necessary? […]

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Xuno – new International money transfer site made by a Nepali. thoughts?

Xuno – new International money transfer site made by a Nepali. thoughts? View on Reddit by sujal058

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Seeing Antony Man Utd situation shows how regressive even the youth are here

Seeing Antony Man Utd situation shows how regressive even the youth are here

https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/16cn6w6/ingrid_lana3rd_woman_accusing_antony_of_assault/ Difference in reaction in FB football groups, subreddits between Antony and a particular cricketer is night and day. Brazil instantly dropped antony, but CAN keeps playing him & we just keep delaying court case 7 months on Its honestly worse considering most of the online space is people <30 who you’d atleast think are […]

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Flat-earthers of Nepal. 100rs recharge if you can convince me the Earth is flat or provide proof.

Flat-earthers of Nepal. 100rs recharge if you can convince me the Earth is flat or provide proof.

I see a lot of people claiming the earth is flat these days in this sub. Is there any evidence to back up that claim? View on Reddit by LGTVhater

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Fun activities or places to visit in kathmandu

Fun activities or places to visit in kathmandu

Hello r/Nepal ! So I’m meeting a new friend from pokhara. What could be some fun memorable activities ki ta places we could do or visit in KTM? 1. Wall climbing 2. Jump KTM 3. Mirror maze… Aru? View on Reddit by consciousVerse

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Queers of nepal

Queers of nepal

I am 20, gay and out to my siblings and few (2) friends of mine and thinking of coming out to other friends. How was your experience of coming out? View on Reddit by Consistent_Brick57

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