Arajakta: A protest movement born in reddit ➤

Arajakta: A protest movement born in reddit

Hey guys, the recent political environment of Nepal hasnt been ideal, and alot of us have been disappointed. The people of our generation have limited political exposure/reach and as such our opinions are rarely voiced in the streets/mainstream media. Our opinions remain in plain text on reddit posts and Facebook statuses.

With that in mind i would like to announce r/Arajakta, a place for Nepalese youths to discuss, plan and organize activist movements.

>Arajakta is a Nascent protest movement that intends to start a culture of political activism in the youth of Nepal. The core principle of the group is rooted in direct democracy and all major decision will be taken by voting.
>Why Arajakta?
>Sounds kinda cool and rebellious. The type of culture we want to inspire. Its cool to protest and rebel guys.
>Who are Arajak Tatwa?
>All members of Arajakta are Arajak Tatwa. If by being on tiktok one can contribute to ‘samajik bethiti’ then by joining [r/Arajakta]( you can verywell be an Arajak Tatwa 😉
>Please join us so we have like more than one member i guess. lol.
>Now the depth of this:
>What will we do?
>We will use the following document as a reference guide to setup a movement. Please have a quick walkthrough of the booklet:
>[CANVAS-Core-Curriculum\_EN-compressed\_compressed-compressed.pdf (](
>We will need to discuss on our vision for tomorrow. In the short term we will advocate for free speech and protest against government encroachment of freedom by the banning of several internet apps like tiktok. In the longer run a more clearer idea on our vision should be discussed and written down.
>” In strategic nonviolent conflict, a movement’s Vision of Tomorrow should attract the widest possible base of support. The more your vision becomes a shared vision in society, the more forceful it will become and it is possible that one day it will become true. Otherwise, your vision will only be a list of nice wishes shared by a few people. ”
>With this in mind we must be as inclusive as possible, respectful and accommodating of opposing ideas, polite and civil. The name Arajak despite its negative annotation in Nepali language infact requires the most civilized society to even exist. A society where there is no state, police, military, or laws can only ever exist if each individual upholds themselves in the highest of moral standards.


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