Context: I am living in Pokhara, new to the share market, gonna use this account for stock sales, broker payment, etc.
Global ime and Nimb bank are nearby, so i was thinking choosing one of the two. I have heard that it is easier with global ime as all the brokers use Global ime account.
For Nimb bank, I found this deposit scheme called [Triple Benifit Plus]( .
For Global ime, I found this scheme called [Share Lagani Khata](
Both of them have free C-ASBA facility. Which one should I choose?
View on Reddit by shadowsovereign69
My main criteria for bank that i have to frequently visit are how close it is, how packed it is normally(go for less packed), scan withdrawal availability and atm accessibility. If you need bank for other services, chose among the bank providing the best service of what you need. If you are looking at it from interest rate for deposit, might not be the best criteria to look at as most banks have similar interest rate with difference of about .5% or less.
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