Follow the idea not the person: Balen case ➤

Follow the idea not the person: Balen case

As we have seen in recent years, many people have become ‘cult of personalities’. These are people everyone initially liked due to what they stood for. And later on they became more and more famous and almost omnipotent in some people’s eyes, and then it got worse. One example recently is Elon Musk. We liked that he was a pioneer in science, headed a company to build reusable rockets, a company that excels in electric vehicles. Then he started doing childish stuff with Twitter. Balen, in my opinion, also falls there. We liked the prospect of a person with an idea, who was not from mainstream politics, wanting to do some good for the country and city of Kathmandu in particular. Then we started being invested in the person rather than the idea. That is where the problem comes in my opinion. You can support someone without being okay with everything he does. No person is ever 100% correct. We need to be able to say ‘this is wrong ‘ for what is wrong and hold particular person accountable. Just because he is good in a field doesn’t make him an omnipotent figure, a god in some ways. Just because you like the fact that he is making Kathmandu a better place means that you also have to be happy with his antics against the government or his foreign policy. Overall, I still believe Balen is doing more good than bad, but some aspects are still worrying. Driving a government car in weekend and being angry for merely being stopped and questioned is ridiculous. Many of his cultists dislike the idea of government cars being driven by government employees for personal use, no less on public holidays. Apparently Balen doing the same doesn’t disappoint them. In those controversial decisions is a follower separated from a cultist. A cultist tries to defend their cult leader, while a follower of ideologies starts questioning his some particular decisions, whole also being praiseful of the other decision. Even with hitler, whom Balen has respect for, as seen in his previous interviews, German youths liked his attitude towards Germany, his feeling that Germany was treated unfairly after WW1, the current state of Germany, and started following his path. He later on started becoming more and more extreme. People who liked his initial ideas started becoming skeptical, but some people followed him even going as far as to catch the Jews and take them to gas chambers. I am not saying Balen is going to be like hitler, but giving an example of what following a person and making him an omnipotent figure who can do and say nothing wrong leads towards. Let’s all be followers and not cultists.

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