Fusemachines le provide garne Microdegree in AI kasto xa? ➤ Nep123.com

Fusemachines le provide garne Microdegree in AI kasto xa?

Fusemachines le provide garne Microdegree in AI kasto xa?

Currently pursuing bachelor’s 4th sem. Ani simultaneously Fusemachines ko microdegree in pursue garum vanni sochirako xu, manage garna kati ko garo hola ta, anyone got any idea? How hard is this microdegree?

Aaile samma jati ni programming concepts, languages, frameworks sab self-learn garerai sikeko xu. Tara maths isn’t my strong suit & it will be really difficult learning this AI/ML stuff on my own & I really want to get on this ride of AI boom that’s going in the world. Plus college ko syllabus ma testo AI/ML pani ko kei xaina except one Intro To Artificial Intelligence course of 3 hr credit in our 5th sem.

Mero question chaie should I even bother pursuing this microdegree? Ani cost/finances kati jati lagxa hola?

This is the microdegree I am talking abt: [https://fuse.ai/ai-programs/microdegree-in-artificial-intelligence/](https://fuse.ai/ai-programs/microdegree-in-artificial-intelligence/)

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