Perfectly curated list of contents to learn in order to become data scientist. ➤

Perfectly curated list of contents to learn in order to become data scientist.

Perfectly curated list of contents to learn in order to become data scientist.


This resource is for my fellow Nepali people who want to get into AI/ML who’ve recently graduated or are in their end of undergrad. Following this can really get you at least an internship in AI/ML.

Sharing this because I’ve been seeing many young guns getting into AI/ML , Data Science. I really struggled and had to rely on whatever resources I’ve found and had to create my own mix-max roadmap when I started last year(I switched from web dev to ML) but as I see now this is really a perfect way to become a data scientist.

Padera matra chai hudaina hai, you need lots and lots of practice.

View on r/Nepal by thatNepaliScientist