Let's Talk: Making Things Better for Nepalis in Japan ➤ Nep123.com

Let’s Talk: Making Things Better for Nepalis in Japan

Hey everyone,

There are two posts within a month([post1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/17lvp3w/what_should_i_do_with_my_nepal_classmates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [post2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/1806nn3/dirty_loud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) on this subreddit about some issues with hygiene and manners among us Nepalis in Japan. I felt like making a post about this thing, I’m from Nepal and living here too, and I totally get where these concerns are coming from. I’m not here to point fingers or make anyone feel bad. Instead, I want to talk about what’s going on and how we can make things better for ourselves and the people around us. I may have come off harsh in my comments under those posts and I am really sorry for that. We have to accept the problem first in order to find the solution otherwise, we are never going to improve and get stuck in the same place.

**My Experience**

Living in Japan, I’ve come across situations where the hygiene and behavior of some of us Nepalis weren’t great. This doesn’t mean we’re all like that, but unfortunately quite a big part of us are, and it’s something we need to talk about. We’re representing Nepal here, and we want to make a good impression, right?

**What Can We Do?**

Here are some simple things each of us can do:

* **Keep it Clean:** Basic stuff, like taking a shower regularly, using deodorant, and keeping our clothes clean. If you’re not sure what’s expected here in Japan, ask around or look it up. Keeping clean is good for us and makes life better for everyone around us.
* **Respect the Quiet:** Japan’s a pretty quiet place compared to Nepal. Let’s try to keep our voices down, especially in places like class or work. If you love listening to music or videos, headphones are the way to go.
* **Learning from Others:** Watch how the locals do things. There’s a lot we can learn about how to act in different situations. If you’re not sure, it’s totally okay to ask someone. Most people will be happy to help.
* **Help Each Other Out:** If you see a fellow Nepali who might not know the ropes yet, give them a friendly tip. We’re all in this together, and helping each other adjust can make a big difference.

**Wrapping Up**

We’re here in Japan, and it’s a chance to show the best of what Nepalis are all about. A little effort from each of us can go a long way in making life better here for everyone. Let’s do our part and make our families back home proud. Malai thacha garo cha Japan ma nasuti nasuti kam garnu parcha, school janu parcha, bhasa pani ustai cha life dherai garo cha yeha tara hygiene ra manners lai neglect nagaram.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas on this. Let’s keep it friendly and think about how we can improve things together.

Thanks for reading, and let’s make a positive change!😊

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